

About me picture


Ph.D, in Physics, 2024, University of Pittsburgh

M.S., in Physics, 2018, Bowling Green State University

B.S., in Physics Honors, 2016, Purdue University

About Me

I’m currently a Research Software Engineer at Princeton University working with faculty in the astrophysics department. My primary focus is GPU accelerated GPU applications though I work on a variety of other projects as well.

I earned my Ph.D from the University of Pittsburgh studying galaxy dynamics using ultra high resolution MHD simulations of galaxies (see my research page for more info). I earned my M.S. in physics at BGSU studying symbiotic stars and variable stars in general using time series photometry. Before graduate school I spent four years at Purdue University earning my B.S. in Honors Physics with a minor in astronomy.

While at Pittsburgh and Purdue, I’ve participated in Women in Physics groups. Combating patriarchal mindsets about who is welcome in STEM fields is so important: I’ve seen several promising physicists driven away by blatant sexism. The scientific community is poorer for their loss. Supporting diversity leads to a thriving diversity of thoughts, which leads to breakthrough discoveries.

When I’m not coding or puzzling over research papers, you can find me reading sci-fi and fantasy books on my Kindle, going on adventures with my friends, or cooking with my wife. I’m an avid cyclist who’s ridden more than 12,000 miles to date, including a trans-continental trip with Bike & Build. My interests also include sound design, woodworking, and electronics.

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Publications: ADS link