
SC'23 and Paper Edits

SC'23 and Paper Edits

Supercomputing Conference (SC’23)

Before Thankgiving I went to SC’23. It was really fantastic, TONS of great talks and interesting boothes. The job fair was great and I got a lot of potential leads. I would highly recommend the tutorials in the future, I didn’t sign up for them and I wish I had.

MHD Paper

More edits on the paper. I also updated most of the plots to be generally prettier and more informative. This is the only new plot showing the contribution of the MHD integrator and MPI boundary conditions to the overall execution time.

ms per GPU plot

I applied to a RSE job at Princeton this week and I’m part way through the interview process. Hopefully it goes well, I would really like this job. I’ll be spending a big chunk of next week on more interviews and prep for them.


  • Delivered a No Jargon talk at UC Santa Cruz
  • Updated website to v6.3.1
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