Cholla Prep
MHD Debugging
I spent some more time bug hunting and found that the instability only shows up when a number is not exactly expressible in binary. After discussin this with Evan they pointed out that it could just be an artifact of turning a 3D algorithm into a 1D algorithm. So instead of continueing bug hunting I’m going to switch to implementing MHD into Cholla.
Miscellaneous Cholla Prep
Switching to working on Cholla requires quite a bit of prep so here’s what I did this week:
- Cleaned up a few notes on the Hydro-Sandbox code so that it can be put away for awhile
- Submit account request for the ORNL supercomputer system
- Update my fork of Cholla
- Figure out how to access POWER9/V100 nodes at Pitt’s H2P cluster
- Update the modules I’m using on H2P and the POWER9 nodes
- Get Cholla to compile on H2P
- Get Cholla running on H2P in serial and parallel
- Meet with Damon to discuss testing schemes
Near future plans
- Check if I can get cholla to run with GPU-MPI on H2P
- Check if Cholla’s regression test is working and fix it if it isn’t
- Figure out how I want to do future tests in Cholla
- Learn CUDA
- Learn how Cholla works
- Research pair programming
- Present on 3.3-3.5 of Naab & Ostriker 2017
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