
System Tests & Comparing Floating Point Numbers

System Test Function

The function for running system tests is almost done! Through the first few days this week I figured out the HDF5 C++ API well enough to open the files, read in attributes, datasets, dataset names, sizes etc. everything I need to compare values between two HDF5 files. That’s where I ran into a major issues. Googletest’s default macro for comparing double precision, i.e. 64 bit, floating point numbers operates by saying the numbers are the same if they’re within 4 ULPs of each other. This works pretty well for pairs of numbers with differences greater than 1 but when the difference is very small it can catastrophically fail due to the density of floating point numbers near 0. As it turns out, running the Sod Shock Tube test when Cholla was compiled with GCC 9.3.0 vs. XL 16.1.1-10 on Summit lead to absolute differences in the results up to 1.77636E-15 and ULP distances measuring in the millions. To combat this issue I wrote a pair of functions that implement a hybrid comparison based off of these two blog posts:

  1. Comparing Floating Point Numbers, 2012 Edition by Bruce Dawson
    • This is the comparing floating point numbers bible as far as I can tell. Google cites it and every other article I found on the topic either cited this or an older version of it. The discussion is really good and there’s a ton of related posts linked at the top if you’re interested. The only issue is that the implementation of the ULP calculator in this article is written basically in C and uses some C features that conflict with modern C++.
  2. Comparing Floating-Point Numbers Is Tricky by Matt Kline
    • This is where I copied most of the implementation details from (it’s cited in my documentation and will be a reference in a paper at some point). However, this article is mostly just a reimplementation of Bruce Dawson’s work, just in a more readable and C++ friendly way.

The first article is just one in a fantastic series discussing issues with floating point numbers and I highly recommend it to everyone working in a field where floating point numbers matter.

The new nearlyEqualDbl function I wrote, which is mostly a modified version of the functions in article 2 above, essentially checks if the absolute difference between the two doubles being compared is less than a small number, in this case 1E-14. A priori we chose that a difference between two numbers that was less than one order of magnitude greater than the difference between compilers would be considered “equal”. I.e. since the maximum absolute error between the GCC and XL compilers was ~1.7E-15 our allowed margin of error should be ~1E-14, this value can be changed by the user but 1E-14 is the default. If the absolute difference is greater than the allowed margin then the functions compute the ULPs (while dealing with a bunch of edge cases), return the ULP distance between the numbers, and checks if that’s less than the user defined allowed distance; it defaults to 4 since that’s Googletest’s default.

As of now I have the system tes function working well for hydro tests but it segfaults when I try to compare data from particle tests. I think I know the issue, I just need to fix it but I didn’t have time this week.


  • Met with a representative from CircleCI to discuss using their service for our automated testing. Nothing firm yet
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