Dynamos & MHD Debugging
MHD Debugging Fixed some bugs in the divergence checking code and improved output formatting Fixed some bugs and formatting in the plotting code and tried a parallel version that turned out t...
MHD Debugging Fixed some bugs in the divergence checking code and improved output formatting Fixed some bugs and formatting in the plotting code and tried a parallel version that turned out t...
GPU Resident Reduction I finished the GPU resident reduction and submitted a pull request for it. The issue with slightly different results from last week turned out to be because I had forgotten ...
GPU Resident Reduction This week I implemented a GPU resident parallel reduction for Cholla as described in this NVIDIA blog post. Performance is similar to current reductions that we use but inst...
Constrained Transport Electric Fields I fixed some bugs in the CT electric fields kernel, added documentation to everything I’ve added over the last few weeks, and wrote tests for the CT electric ...
Constrained Transport Electric Fields I finally figured out the CT electric fields/EMF this week. I spent the first two days reading papers and discussing it with my advisor and then got to implem...
VL+CT Integrator I worked a lot this week on figuring out the CT electric fields kernel. After rereading Stone & Gardiner 2009, Gardiner & Stone 2008, and Stone et al. 2008 and looking at ...
VL+CT Integrator I read up on where we need primitive vs characteristic reconstruction with VL+CT. We can use either but unlike CTU+CT we don’t need to characteristic tracing step to update the hy...
MHD Time Steps & Refactor I implemented MHD time steps for the 3D case and refactored the hydro time steps to move the time step calculations into their own “crossing time” function to bring t...
Cholla Testing Data The separate repo for testing data has been implemented and tested and is connected to the main Cholla repo as a submodule. Everything seems to work fine, I’m just waiting for ...
Boundary Conditions I finished up implementing MHD boundary conditions with some advice from Alwin. To test it I learned the basics of how to use cuda-gdb on the command line which was actually a ...