I/O and Boundary Conditions
Grid & I/O I finished up MHD I/O in Cholla so now cholla can read and write magnetic field variables, set initial conditions, etc. I also added new parameter files for Einfeldt Strong Rarefact...
Grid & I/O I finished up MHD I/O in Cholla so now cholla can read and write magnetic field variables, set initial conditions, etc. I also added new parameter files for Einfeldt Strong Rarefact...
Cholla Initial Conditions (ICs) I modified the Riemann, Constant, and Uniform initial condition functions to support MHD. They’re tested and appear to be working as expected. There was some tricky...
Cholla’s Grid I stared modifying Cholla’s grid to accommodate magnetic fields. So far it’s been reasonably straightforward but I have a lot of questions I still need to figure out answers too. Sad...
HLLD Finalizing I wrote some basic unit tests for the individual functions of the HLLD solver. I think I hit all the edge cases but we’ll find out if something fails later. After that I cleaned up...
CUDA Debugger I spent most of a day playing with the cuda-gdb debugger for CUDA code and it’s integration with VS Code. Currently it’s got some pretty significant limitations, it can’t show the co...
HLLD Debugging I found the last few bugs in the double star state and so now the HLLD solver passes all tests when operating in the primary (x) direction! The bugs were mostly typos but one test i...
HLLD Debugging This week I was mostly working on debugging the HLLD solver I wrote for Cholla. I found a handful of bugs in the \( L/R \) and \( L^* / R^* \) states and both of those states appear...
HLLD Implementation After finishign the HLLD solver through the L/R states last week I spent this week implementing the star and double star states. I used a similar pattern to the L/R states. Thi...
HLLD Prep I found the issue with \( \gamma \) from last week. It turns out I had made a mistake when extracting Athena’s HLLD solver and had turned their \( \gamma - 1 \) variable into just \( \ga...
HLLD Prep My first project this week was to get correct data from an HLLD solver. After extracting the HLLD solver from Athena last week I ran some shock tubes using Athena++, plotted the results ...