Particle Debugging & MHD Prep
Particle System Tests I finished hunting (I hope) all the particle related bugs in the system test runner class and found some bugs with how particle IDs are currently implemented in Cholla. So I ...
Particle System Tests I finished hunting (I hope) all the particle related bugs in the system test runner class and found some bugs with how particle IDs are currently implemented in Cholla. So I ...
I’ll be using a selection of MHD Riemann Problems and shock tubes to test my HLLD and overall MHD implementation so I wanted to gather some of the basics here. This post was originally written with...
Particle System Tests After some more work I discovered that particle IDs are only supported on CPUs currently. I’m waiting for the GPU implementation which should be done next week. In the meanti...
Particle System Tests This week I planned to add support for particles to the system test function and I got most of the way there before running into some snags. I was initially using disk initial...
MPI System Tests This week I added support for MPI system tests. The SystemTestRunner class now can read in an arbitrary number of HDF5 files from Cholla, concatenated one dataset at a time, and co...
Automated Testing I finally got GoogleTest to build and link properly on all the different machines after running down some module and LD_LIBRARY_PATH issues on CRC systems. So I started looking i...
Testing After getting feedback on the testing system last week I refactored the entire system testing function into a class with substantially expanded functionality. This was really helpful and ma...
Testing I spent about half of this week writing, editing, and workshopping the documentation for Cholla’s new testing system. Along the way I found a few small errors, mostly unclear naming, in the...
Testing Removed the old regression test Integrated Googletest linking into the make host files The main thing I did though was improve pathing on the system test function and finalize the be...
System Test Function I fixed a few bugs in the system test function then wrote an full system test for Cholla. This function still needs some work but it’s ready for beta. Current limitations: T...