System Tests & Comparing Floating Point Numbers
System Test Function The function for running system tests is almost done! Through the first few days this week I figured out the HDF5 C++ API well enough to open the files, read in attributes, dat...
System Test Function The function for running system tests is almost done! Through the first few days this week I figured out the HDF5 C++ API well enough to open the files, read in attributes, dat...
The Structure of Multiphase Galactic Winds by Fielding & Bryan, 2021 I prepared and presented on this paper for group meeting this week. That and Labor day took up most of my time but I dealt w...
System Testing in Cholla My main project this week is writing a function to perform system tests in Cholla. I’m at the point where it can check if all the relevant files exist and asynchronously l...
Testing in Cholla This week I started integrating testing into Cholla. The first part of that was just meeting with Evan and discussing general strategy, convetions we should use, etc. The questio...
Code Coverage This week I focused on determining code coverage and tools to use that information. Generating the coverage data is fairly easy, you just have to pass the --coverage flag to the compi...
Testing Details This week I got my tests up and running on the H2P cluster at Pitt and Summit at ORNL. This was mostly a game of figuring out exactly how the Googletest library should be linked and...
Testing Frameworks & Continuous Integration This week I settled on learning and using GoogleTest since it has death tests and is threadsafe and then I started implementing it in my hydro-sandbo...
Workshop I finished the Rensselaer Summer Program: Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Training for Modeling Physical Systems summer school last week. My group’s project got second place and my work with ...
Learning CUDA I completed the rest of the OLCF CUDA Training Series. Meetings and Summer School The OLCF User Meeting was this week and the Rensselaer Summer Program: Advanced Cyberinfrastructure ...
Learning CUDA I completed five more sections of the OLCF CUDA Training Series, which leaves me with just one more that I’ll finish off next week. Testing I contacted several other Frontier CAAR te...