Classes and Bugfixing 5
Astronomical Techniques We had an in depth study of bootstrap methods and implemented a simple one. Also, started discussing error types and propagation. Numerical MHD Still working on debugging m...
Astronomical Techniques We had an in depth study of bootstrap methods and implemented a simple one. Also, started discussing error types and propagation. Numerical MHD Still working on debugging m...
Astronomical Techniques Homework 3 was due this week, we were studying the spread and biases of various location and dispersion estimators on Gaussian data and data with outliers. We also started t...
Astronomical Techniques This week has mostly been a discussion of various statistics for finding distribution centers and spreads. Numerical MHD Finished debugging the HLLD solver. I didn’t find a...
Astronomical Techniques Started discussing statistics (the things not the subject) and I fixed some issues with the homework from last week. Overall uneventful Numerical MHD More bug hunting this ...
Astronomical Techniques We’ve been digging into the details of various common distributions and we had our second homework. The homework was our first really hands on time with Bayesian statistics...
Astronomical Techniques We’ve been digging into the Bayesian vs Frequentist interpretation of statistics and how to apply Bayes’ Theorem. We had our first homework and it went well, it was basic Mo...
Astronomical Techniques A little more work in python and we started on the difference between the frequentist and Byesian interpretation of statistics. Dotfiles I fixed a race condition I acciden...
Astronomical Techniques I’m starting a new class this spring; Astronimcal Techniques taught by Prof. Newman. This week was an introduction to python. Committee Meeting I had my first committee m...
Overview This is a step through of the VL+CT (Van Leer plus Constrained Transport) integrator I’m going to add to my hydro-sandbox code. The specific algorithm is from Stone & Gardiner 2009 wh...
General Relativity (GR) We started on Black Holes this week and had a midterm exam. It went well but studying for it took a lot of time. HLLD Solver As of last week I finished writing the HLLD sol...