Cholla 47
- HLLD Sod Debugging & Finalize Clang Tools PR
- MHD Sod Debugging & Clang Tools PR
- MHD Refactor
- Preliminary MHD Integrator Merge
- Boundaries & Shock Tubes
- Clang Tools Setup
- Rotated Waves & Boundary Conditions
- Code Style & Angled Linear Waves
- Linear Waves and Best Practices
- MHD Linear Waves Tests
- Hydro vs. MHD in Hydro Problems
- Occupancy & MHD Debugging
- Debugging & DeviceVector
- DeviceVector & Fixes for moving the CAAR branch to main
- CT Slope Rewrite & MHD Linear Waves
- CT Slope Rewrite
- Debugging & ATPESC
- Debugging
- Committee Meeting & Debugging
- Dynamos & MHD Debugging
- GPU Reduction & MHD Plotting
- GPU Resident Reduction
- Finalizing VL+CT Integrator
- Constrained Transport EMF Kernel 2
- Constrained Transport EMF Kernel
- MHD Interface Reconstruction & Data Format Refactor
- MHD Time Steps & VL+CT Integrator
- Testing Data & Time Step Refactor
- Boundary Conditions & Testing Data
- I/O and Boundary Conditions
- Cholla I/O
- Particle Debugging
- Particle System Tests
- MPI System Tests
- Automated Testing Groundwork
- System Test Refactor
- Testing Documentation
- System Test Pathing & Prep for Beta Release
- Build Tests & Prep for Beta Release
- System Tests & Comparing Floating Point Numbers
- Cholla System Tests
- Testing in Cholla
- Code Coverage
- Testing Prototype 2
- Testing Prototype
- Testing
- Cholla Prep